OTHER Committees

Bylaws, Policy & Procedures Committee 

This committee maintains documentation of material related to the established bylaws, policies, and procedures for the Club; identifies activities that should be documented or require change; reviews new policies and procedures developed by club members and committees; reviews club activities to ensure established bylaws, policies and procedures are being followed and notifies appropriate managers when corrections are required; and assists or prepares necessary policies/procedures to guide club operations including managing approval of changes in club policy and procedural guidelines. The chair person is to be available to provide background, information, and recommended interpretation on these to the officers, directors, board and committee chairs, as required, to include routine attendance at all board meetings.

Finance Committee 

See guidance in document on charitable funding.

Election Committee

This committee fulfills the nominating procedures required in the by laws concerning the annual election of board members and officers. The committee also conducts the election proceedings for the Board member election.

Anti-Harassment Committee

This committee provides an avenue for Rotarians in the Alamo Heights Rotary Club to report inappropriate behavior or language that offends a person or a group.