Club Administration – Sub Committees |
This committee endeavors, through the publishing of a weekly club bulletin, to stimulate the interest and improve attendance, announce the program of the forthcoming meeting(s), relate highlights of the previous meeting, promote fellowship, contribute to the Rotary education of all members, and report news of the club, of its members and of worldwide Rotary programs. Classification Talks This committee coordinates the scheduling of interesting and informative classification talk programs at club meetings, coordinates the scheduling of the talks, and provides the schedule of programs to the Executive Secretary and Rotator Editor on a timely basis. The committee insures that classification talks are scheduled as the program at least every other month. Committee Assignments This committee is responsible for maintaining up to date information on the committee structure and content on the web site, initiating an annual review of committee preferences to determine the interests of club members, and assisting standing and sub committee chairs in staffing committees. Directory The Directory Committee will maintain a current, on-line, secure, Pictorial Directory of our Rotary Club to include business and residential addresses, telephone numbers, and information about their Rotary Classification, the name and type of business he or she earns a livelihood, years in Rotary, if he/she were a past president and their support of the Rotary Foundation. While the the Executive Secretary makes the initial entry, each Rotary member is required to go on-line to complete and update the information. The Committee is responsible to insert a new photo. The purpose of the directory is to give each of our members information to encourage friendship and business with one another. The committee periodically reviews directory entries and reminds members when updates are needed. The committee is also responsible for distributing, twice a year, printed copies of the summary information on members to those members without email capability. Fund Raising This committee is responsible for (1) reviewing all fund raising requests (i.e., where some activity is requesting a donation or that we raise funds to support them) from outside activities (other than Charitable funding requests submitted in accordance with the club’s charitable funding guidance) and recommending to the president and board as appropriate how the action should be handled in the club, (2) developing new opportunities for our club to raise money, and (3) reviewing recommendations on opportunities for the club to develop new sources of funding. Invocation & Introductions Invocation and Introduction Committee will each week provide the Executive Secretary with names of persons agreeing to give the invocation and lead the pledge of allegiance and to introduce visitors and guests at each meeting. Meeting Site Liaison The committee’s purpose is to act as the interface with the host resturant; to gather feedback from AH Rotary Club members on likes and dislikes and to relay feedback to the AH Rotary Board and the restaurant and in the event another location should be required, to make recommendations to the AH Rotary Board. President’s Volunteer Service Awards The Alamo Heights Rotary Club is an Official Certiying Organization for the US Federal President’s Volunteer Service Awards program ( This committee operates the program for the club, functions as the certifying office to verify and request awards, and arranges presentation and/or distribution of awards as appropriate. Programs This committee coordinates the scheduling of interesting and informative programs at club meetings, arranges for the monthly program chair persons, and provides the schedule of programs to the Executive Secretary and Rotator Editor on a timely basis. The committee insures that classification talks are scheduled as the program at least every other month. Risk Management Risk Management seeks to identify potential legal risks that the club may face in conducting its activities primarily associated with injury or harm to non members in connection with club activity. Analysis of risk involves considering the likelihood of harm and the practicality of efforts to attempt to reduce or minimize the risk. Obtains insurance forms when needed. Follows up on clains as needed. Sergeant at Arms The main duty of the Sergeant at Arms is to maintain order at the weekly meeting. The committee is also responsible for insuring that the volunteer positions are filled for greeters, meal ticket cashier, door prize ticket cashier; layout of the meeting space; placement of the flags; control/accounting for moneys collected; storage of materials used at the weekly meeting; and conducting the door prize program. Speaker Recognition This committee is responsible for recognizing each Rotary Club speaker by donating a book in honor of that speaker to the Alamo Heights Independent School District. The recipient schools, chosen by the District, are Howard Learning Center, Cambridge Elementary, Woodridge Elementary and Alamo Heights Junior High School. This committee shall, at the end of the Rotary year, invite the District to send a representative to the Rotary meeting for a formal presentation of the donation. Website The committee is be responsible for building and maintaining a current website for the club. Information will be presented for club members as well as the general public. The website is a repository for information about club history, organization, bylaws and procedures, fundraising efforts, regular meetings, Rotary Foundation, student exchange programs, a current calendar of events, and other important information. Links are also be provided to our Rotary District, Rotary International, on-line make-up opportunities, and others. This committee also coordinates all other actions of a technology nature. Technology This committee coordinates the acquisition, use, and maintenance all technology aspects of the Club including equipment and software used. Rotary Training/Education This committee develops and implements plans to educate/train club members on all aspects of Rotary throughout their membership in the club; and keeps members informed about the history, object, and new activities of Rotary at all levels. Dues This committee follows up on necessary collection efforts for Rotarians in arrears on their dues payments. |